Nothing can prepare you for the emotional and logistical quagmire of a sudden and unexpected death.

Here are a few things we have learned.

  • Organ donation - A hospital staff member may approach you and ask you to consider organ donation. You may feel pressure to make a decision quickly. Make sure to ask how much time you have to decide, and use as much of it as you need.

  • The body may be taken to the coroner’s (sometimes known as the Medical Examiner) office. It may take as many as a few days for the body to be released to a funeral home. An advocate or advocacy group may be able to speed up the process.

  • The funeral home can help you obtain copies of the death certificate; you will need several copies.

  • Funeral homes may pressure you to pay more than you want for a coffin or services. Beware of tactics like urging you to visit in person instead of providing telephone information; asking about your budget; pressing you to buy a package; overwhelming you with options; pressing for a pricey casket to hold the body for cremation.*

 *Source: Sales Tactics To Beware Of, Funeral Consumers Alliance of Georgia, Inc.

My beautiful 23-year-old daughter was killed by a careless bus driver in 2013 after leaving the subway on her way home from work. She was a dancer, an artist and a humanitarian, and our family and friends were, and will forever be, crushed by her death. 

When Ella was dying in the hospital, we found out she had previously signed up to be an organ donor in the event of her death. Because of her generosity, numerous people’s lives were saved and improved using her organs, tissue and corneas, and every year one of her friends organizes a team to run the Donor Dash in Philadelphia. This event raises funds and awareness for the Gift of Life and gives us a chance to celebrate and honor Ella’s kindness, talent and the love she bestowed on us every day. We will never be the same and it is in Ella's memory that, through FSS, we help to provide support and logistical assistance to others suffering with injuries and loss due to traffic violence.

—Judy Kottick, mother of Ella Bandes


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